Monday, November 9, 2015

So when do ODSP payments come out for December of 2015? Is Christmas coming early again? And what was that crazy holiday overpayment and the clawbacks all about? It's such a fantastic and mysterious time of year!

Short version:

This year, ODSP payments go out on December 22nd, 2015. That's when ODSP recipients get paid.

Long version:

So, usually, ODSP payments go out on the last bank day of the month. So if the last day lands on a weekday that is not a holiday, then it's on the last day of the month. Otherwise, it's on the last bank day before that.

But last year, ODSP payments went out on the 22nd, for direct deposit, anyway. That's over a week early.

Of course, the government doesn't publish any information about when benefits payments go out, or what their formula is for deciding. They actually don't have control over it: the system released millions in random, extra payments this year. I got one, it was about fifteen hundred bucks. They're clawing it back fifty bucks a month. Anyway.

So, it seems like there's no formula for December's payment. But for whatever reason, it'll apparently come out on December 22nd.

Still no word on why they don't publish the formula or the schedule. They're just continually evasive about it, in every channel. It might differ by municipality or postal code or something. It's just creepy that they won't publish it. Especially given that it's obviously a popular question, given that the articles about it on this website have received over ten thousand page views.


  1. I don't think they're being secretive so much as they're just sleepy-eyed pencil-pushers with the "alertness" quantity of Level One technical support call centre headset jockeys and keyboard masseurs. Don't forget that being an ODSP or Ontario Works caseworker is a clerical position that most private sector secretaries could do better than the existing caseworkers do it because it consists almost entirely of the kind of thing secretarites consider to be the easy parts of their jobs. :) Long story short, the person who "answered" your question simply didn't bother to read the whole thing any more than email support staff at internet businesses bother to read your questions. And if you're asking anything outside the box (meaning for which no scripted answer is available) then, in the case of both ODSP/OW staff and internet support staff, you just confuse them and make them upset that they have to pick some random answer out of a script without having it really fit your question. Have a nice day.

    1. imagine the nightmare it would be if that was the only place you could find employment, i'm sure its not their dream job either, but someone has to do it, maybe thats why some of them seem like such assholes, but they deserve something too.

    2. well how many of them do you think are "shindlering" it, like basically deciding to become workers because they know they can make a big difference just by not being abusive and discriminatory, even if they have to disappoint their clients

    3. like, half my social workers have been on benefits at one time or another, and I know as I look at career options, as someone who's been on the client side of things for awhile, I'm being funneled into social work, for no reason (I'm not a social worker and already have a background in another profession, in another sector) so I think there's a strong drive for sourcing from the poverty community, or maybe from the poverty community... I remember a friend's mom when I was young being a social worker, actually two of my friends moms were, one was a welfare worker and the other was a disability claims investigator so like... yeah, neither of them were super priveledged

  2. I don't understand why you say say its not announced.

    1. December Payment Dates

      Because of the holidays, December payments for ODSP will be issued early, on December 22, 2015.

      December payments for Ontario Works were issued on November 30, 2015.

    2. ODSP works different than Ontario Works.

      namely it is paid after the month is over and that's why we get it at the last day of the month normally because it for the prior month

      jan 27 = jan
      feb 29 = feb
      because of this we are paying rent/food/bills with last months benefit

      OW is the first of the month and covers that month ongoing

    3. Hey right you are - it IS announced... at least, the december payment date is announced. The other dates, and the formula used to designate them, aren't.

  3. I'm assuming then that OW does not come early in December like ODSP does?

    1. And you'd be wrong! They apparently come out on the same day. And I think that's the point... this is the one time of year when they fear the two benefits coming out on different days.

  4. They just want us to buy Xmas gifts

  5. I called my worker and they said that odsp comes out on the 22 of Dec but ow isn't out till the end of the Month around the 30/31.... which makes no sense cuz the payment date website says ow payment is on the 22 with a replacement date saying the 23rd which neither are the 30/31!! So what is the right date? Anyone know?

    1. my OW payment came through today, Dec. 22nd. a direct deposit to my account. hope this helps; and from what i researched just now, ODSP is also due this day.

  6. I don't get my pay cheque early so why should some one who doesn't work for thier money get it early.

    1. You don't need it early because you make more than $9,000 a year. So Fuck off and leave these poor people alone. What do you care if they get it a bit early? It's not like they get anything extra (besides being extra-poor in january)

    2. It's also because people on benefits rely on free meal programs for our food, and many of those stop happening during the holidays, so it helps us to not go hungry during that time. Of course, we don't get anything extra, so January becomes more difficult than usual, so we end up hitting the meal programs extra hard in January.

  7. Does anyone know the accurate OW payment date for January 2017? One site is saying Dec 21/22 replacement date and other sources are saying at the end of the month Dec 30th. So which is it? Thanks in advance

  8. Yes I'm confused. Last year it also seems ppl were paid early from Ontario works and some were paid at the end of the month. Why does the website say december 21 and another says december 30th? The IVR system also said December 30th when I called. Would be nice to know if ill be able to have a little spending money for the holidays even if ill have to budget tightly next month
